Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Poppy!!

My amazing dad turned the big 5-9 on the 31st!  While he was out returning his new LCD big screen for the LED that he really wanted, we blew up balloons and did some good 'ol fashioned decorating.  Beau LOVED the balloons and loved the cake and all day long he would yell, "HAPPY BIRDAY, POPPY!!!"  Frazer baked the angelfood cake.  The same cake dad always had growing up and the same one Mom always made him.  It was Frazer's first time making one!  We LOVE you Frazer!!  It tasted AMAZING!  To top off the night, the Jayhawks won and therefore made it to the championship game!

Her sweet mom dressed her in a Jayhawk shirt just for Poppy!  Look at that cute little bow in her hair!

Landon's helping Poppy blow out the candles.

Poppy and Landon



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