Sunday, September 22, 2013

Beau's favorite book

Since school started back, we have been going to library just about every week and getting stacks and stacks of books.  Last week, we came home with a super hero book and by the time night came, we had read that book about 50 times! So it really wasn't too much of a surprise when a few days later I caught him reading it and saying every single word correctly! Here he is a few nights ago reading it to Paige.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Well, lately all we have been doing around here is living the football life! Our lives revolve around a few Saturdays a year and we love it! We didn't start the season out well but now we have won the last two games and hopefully will win tonight! Besides football, Beau started a new preschool and he is loving every minute of it! He even cried a couple weeks back when he woke up and asked if he was going to school today and I had the nerve to tell him no because it was SATURDAY!!  Most kid's favorite day of the week!  Not Beau! He wanted to go to preschool! I guess that's a good sign! Here are a bunch of pics of what the rest of August looked like for us~
Excited about his new lunchbox for school

First day of preschool! 4 years old

Off he goes...

Of course he had to wear the pirate eye patch!

Watching the daddy's scrimmage

Oh just shopping with Ironman...the usual!

Playing at daddy's practice. He wasn't happy here! He didn't realize that however far out he road his bike, that he'd have to ride it back too!!

Just playing on the swing set one evening!

Thursday night family night!

Eating breakfast with the Ravens before the first game!

wishing daddy good luck!

Game time!

Watching film with daddy!

Kitties at preschool for pet week! Looks like he likes kitties as much as Poppy does!!

Football practice is hard work!

A puppy pirate!

Waiting for the game in Texas to start! (Yes we are crazy to have taken a 3 and 4 year to a game 6 hours away!!) 

Looking so angelic (fake) sleeping!

He wrote his name ALL BY HIMSELF!!!!!

Watching practice

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RAVENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lucy, Savannah, and Annie came to visit!!

A few weeks back, we had some really fun visitors!!!! Lucy, Savannah, and Annie came!! Beau and Lucy LOVE each other and had so much fun playing! That night we went to the stadium to run and play since Paige had practice there.  It was so nice seeing them and catching up!
My chalkboard door (I'm a copycat!)
Sweet Savannah!

Playing at the stadium! Lucy slipped in the water..hence the nakeyness!

Best little baby ever!

Being silly in the tub!

Watching Peter Pan
Cheering for the Ravens!

Facetiming with Landon!!!
Superwoman and Superman!