Monday, January 7, 2013

December Fun in Atlanta (pre-Christmas)

I'm so behind on posting pictures!  To sum up the last month, we have been having so much fun here in Atlanta and also in Arkansas with our families!  Here are a bunch of pictures of what we did prior to Christmas~

*sorry some of these are sideways :(
Playing at the park 

Waiting in line to see Santa

Beau and Poppy reading the paper
riding the train at the mall

The most beautiful babies in the world!!!

Playing Jingle Bells



  1. Love these pics! The one of Scout, Jack and Beau looking out the window is great. Beau and Landon kissing! Poppy and Beau reading. Landon being cute with her daddy. These are awesome. XO

  2. SO cute!! What precious memories!! Happy New Year and lots of love!
