Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Football season's here~ Game 1

Well, it's that time of year again!  We missed football season in this sense last year, and it was kind of nice having Paige around the house, but I have to say that I love him coaching football.  It's what he was born to do, and I can tell he is truly happy.  I also love football season for various other reasons~ 1. I get to watch anything I want to watch on TV.  Instead of Saturday's being full of ESPN Gameday and then 500 football games, I can watch HGTV and DIY network, and instead of Sunday's being  filled with NFL games, I get to keep up with the Kardashian's all day if I want to! 2. I rarely have to cook!  Frozen veggie burgers and green beans do it just fine for me on most nights! And last but not least, number 3.  We get to cheer Paige and the Red Ravens on every Saturday and hope that all the late nights of Paige being gone and all the hard work will pay off for a win!  We haven't had that win yet, but hopefully it's coming soon!!  

Here's what we made Paige (except I think Beau ate most of them) before his first game. 

I made treat bags for the defense. It was fun and all (ha!) but from now on I will just bake ONE cake or brownies! That was a lot of work!

Kristen rented a mini-van so we could all ride to Hutchinson, Kansas together.

We didn't let a little rain get us down
 We stayed the night, and most of Sunday, at our friend's, Leslie and Morgan's house.  We had so much fun catching up with them.  Beau didn't know what to do with all the girls around.  They have a little girl so that meant it was 4 against 1! This child doesn't stand a chance!

They have a love/hate relationship...we caught a loving moment!

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