I've been having some late nights the past month or so..partly Beau to blame, partly my wondering mind.. During these late nights, I've come across some great blogs while aimlessly surfing the net. A cool thing that one of my favorite bloggers Bethany Joy Lenz does is an edition called, "Wardrobe Wednesday." I figured that I will spare you my wardrobes for now...even on my "best" days I'm just not that fashionable. I'd prefer to say that I have a "classic" style but either way, maybe some day I will do a "Wardrobe Wednesday" edition to my blog like my BFF but for now I will settle with sharing some of my favorite things! I'm going to call this "Favorites Friday!" So let's get started~
Here are some things that have made me happy lately:
2.) This is another of my favorite things! I got this idea on Pinterest. I have a note card for each day of the year and they are divided monthly by various postcards. Some of the postcards are different places we have visited~ Punta Cana- Our honeymoon, Chicago- one year anniversary trip, The Georgia Aquarium- took Beau there on Paige's birthday this past year, and some old Atlanta ones that Mom found from the Olympics in 1996. So, on each card I write the year and a little blurb about our simple, every day life. The hope is that I will add to it each year and I will be able to look back and be reminded of the simplest, little memories of our life. Here's all you need if you want to make your own~ a small box (we got this for Christmas from a gift set from Harry and David and it worked for me for now!), 5x7 note cards, postcards or pictures to use as dividers, and 5 minutes at the end of everyday to reflect and write down a memory of that day!
3.) For the final favorite of this week, I wanted to share with you this amazing silhouette that we had made. This was made by a third generation silhouette artist named Erik Johnson. I can't find a direct website for him but google him and see if he'll be in your area. He was amazing! He sat Beau on a stool, had Nemo playing (which was perfect because he had just become obsessed with it!), and spent about 5 minutes cutting this out with teeny, tiny scissors. He was even able to get Landon's, even though she is so little and could hardly sit still very long (she's perfect, though, and did a great job!). They both turned out so beautifully, and we got them done just in time for my mom to see them. She had talked about, for as long as I can remember, that she regretted not getting our silhouettes done when we were little. She had wanted to do Beau's and Landon's and frame them facing each other. I saw this man was going to be at Koo Koo Bear in Roswell on March 10. It was the perfect, last gift to give the best woman I will ever know. And now that side-by-side frame of the babes hangs on my parent's gallery wall in the entryway. Thanks, Sir, for making her wish come true. :)
Here are some things that have made me happy lately:
1.) My new Keurig! I LOVE this little contraption! I have to admit that I was hesitant about it at first. All that boiled down to was the fact that I hate change and when I got it as a lovely gift from my mother-in-law, well, let's just say that a lot of stuff had been changing. :( But, I have now gotten addicted and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it and all the cool, different flavors of coffee you can get to go with it!! You can have one too! Get your 20% off coupon for Bed Bath and Beyond and go get one for yourself. Or maybe you will be lucky enough to get one as a gift too. Enjoy!
Hope you have a fantastic Friday. Beau and I are going to finish our chololate chip muffins and head to the playground in my parent's neighborhood if it doesn't rain~ a great last day of Spring Break 2012, if you ask me!
I love this! So sweet - what a precious silhouette and last gift to your mom, Erin!