Monday, July 19, 2010

Soaking Up Summer

This has been a great week here for our little family. Beau is getting huge and cutting his first tooth! He has also started sleeping through the night! This has been a long time coming for me. I still wake up every morning around 3 and check on him and then lay awake til 4. Guess I'm so used to doing it for the last 11 months.
Here are some pictures from our week. I'm just trying to soak up spending every second with this baby because before I know it I'll be back to teaching. :(

Here is Beau with my friend Carrie's little girl. Aubrey was born 4 days before Beau came. Beau is about 8 pounds heavier than she is and he looks a lot taller too! We tried so hard to get a good picture of them.

Beau looks worried in this one.
Here he goes bitting her butt! Love it!
"What's this, Mommy? Looks like something I should yank really hard!"

I love this one. He made his way to our front door and pulled himself right up. He just stood there looking outside forever!

Caught red-handed!!

Beau loves watching Daddy grill!

Look at these chunky legs!!!

I just love this baby so much, and I feel so lucky that I have gotten to spend so much time with him this summer!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love when you post!! Those pics are priceless! Beau is so stinkin cute and I just love those chunky legs!!! Looks like he's starting to keep you on your toes;) Yay to sleeping through the night...That's wonderful!! Love y'all!
